Insight Meditation Scottsdale
Practicing the Dharma in the Arizona Desert
Relief Is In The Present Moment
An In-Person, Non-Residential Weekend
Insight Meditation Retreat
@ The Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale
with Howard Cohn
May 2nd - 4th, 2025
7pm - 8:30pm Friday Evening (Open to Public*)
9am - 5pm Saturday
8:30am - 3pm Sunday
(*Friday can be attended as a FREE, stand-alone, public event- Separate Registration Below)
Location: The Franciscan Renewal Center
5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale AZ
Retreat Registration:
Registration will re-open shortly
Registration fee pays for retreat costs only
there will be an opportunity to offer Dana* to support Howie at the Retreat
No one turned away due to inability to pay:
If you would like to attend the retreat and require scholarship funds please contact us.
*All retreat fees go toward facility rental, teacher travel, accommodations and other retreat expenses, Howie is not paid from these funds) Howie offers the teachings in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition of generosity or 'Dana', and is reliant on the offering of Dana to support his continued teaching.
The offering of Dana has been practiced since the time of the Buddha, and is intended to open the heart and generate good-will as well as create a interconnected web of giving and receiving as the teachings are offered and received and support is offered and received. Dana should never be considered as a 'tip'. Opportunity will be provided to offer Dana to Howie during the retreat. The cost of the retreat is kept at the lowest possible rate that enables our basic expenses to be covered and does not represent the 'value' of the retreat, but rather our hope to make the teachings available to all who are interested, regardless of ability to pay.
Please take the time to read more about the tradition of 'Dana'
to support our teachers and continue this beautiful practice in the Theravada tradition

Retreat Description:
Relief Is In the Present Moment
An In-Person Weekend Retreat
Each time I stop what I am doing, listen, and feel, an alignment occurs; a stilling, a settling and harmonizing of my mind and body. I feel better. I no longer want to be somewhere else. I step out of time into direct experience of life. In the midst of our inevitable stresses, devoting a few days to realigning is the medicine we need. Sitting and walking meditation together can help us meet the universal desire to be happy, well and at ease.
Suitable for all levels of experience. Howie will provide teachings, instructions and opportunities to ask practice questions.
About the Teacher:
Howard Cohn is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in the San Francisco Bay area. He has guided a local sitting group in San Francisco, been in private practice as a psychotherapist and led Vipassana retreats worldwide since 1985. He incorporates the influences of Theravada, Zen, Tibetan Dzogchen and Advaita Vedanta in his teaching, with an emphasis on reawakening our intrinsic freedom. Among his many teachers and mentors are Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, U Pandita Sayadaw, Tulku Urgyen Rimpoche, Tsoknyi Rimpoche, and the Advaita Vedanta Master H.W.L. Poonja.
Howie's book: Invitation to Meditation: How to Find Peace Wherever You Are
Information with information about what to expect for those new to practice or retreat practice, will be sent out to all registered participants 24-48 hours before the event. However, as this is a non-residential retreat, most of the information necessary for participation includes the dates, location and times on this page. Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early to find parking, check in and get settled.
Suggestions for your comfort during the retreat: Plan to wear comfortable clothing and easily removable shoes, bring a hat and sunglasses for walking meditation periods, and to enjoy the outdoor beauty of the Franciscan Center & bring a sack lunch both days so that you will be able to stay on campus throughout each day. Leave devices such as phones, ipads or laptops at home and leave any connected watches at home; we will ask that any devices be switched off (please do not use 'vibrate' or plan to check your device in the meditation hall!) in our retreat space throughout the day. Refrain from wearing any perfumes or strongly scented products, including natural oils, etc. You are welcome to bring a snack (fruit, cookies, etc) to share. Tea, Coffee, ice water and snacks will be provided and available throughout the retreat.