Insight Meditation Scottsdale
Practicing the Dharma in the Arizona Desert

Welcome to Insight Meditation Scottsdale!
We are a meditation group located in the greater Phoenix area practicing in the Western Buddhist Vipassana tradition, which brought to the West the teachings of Theravada Masters from the Thai Forrest and Burmese traditions. Vipassana is commonly known in a secular context as mindfulness meditation.
Our sitting group began meeting in 2014, and meets from 7-8:30pm every Monday evening in South Scottsdale. Led by founding teacher Genevieve Tregor or a guest teacher. We have a 40 minute sit with some guidance followed by a dharma talk and facilitated dharma discussion. First time meditators (no experience necessary!) and long-term practitioners are welcome. This is a drop-in group; join us anytime.
Our Monday Night Sitting Group is supported entirely by 'Dana', or the practice of generosity; everyone is welcome to attend and offer whatever feels meaningful in their heart, according to their own circumstances, to support the community, the teacher and the teachings. The relationship inherent to the practice of Dana is central to the teachings of the Buddha and has supported their continuation for over 2500 years. The opportunity to sit together and hear the dharma is considered priceless.
"[The Dana tradition] helps create a field of generosity, trust, goodwill, gratitude, and a sense of community.... As the practice of generosity is a significant spiritual practice in its own right, the dana system encourages people to engage themselves in a practice of generosity. The question of how much to give in dana prompts many people to reflect deeply on their values, fears, and generosity." ~Gil Fronsdal
We also offer daylong retreats and occasionally host retreats for visiting teachers. These are announced on both the Meetup site as well as through the Google group list; sign-up information below.
REQUEST TO JOIN THE Insight Meditation Scottsdale EMAIL LIST:
To receive sitting group updates and information, and to learn about upcoming events, you can join our email list (google group) by sending a blank email to this address:
(Please note that your request to join
will be 'accepted' when the next email
message goes out.)
For any other general inquiries about the group please use the contact form
Monday Night Sitting Group:
In the Main Sanctuary at the SCUCC:
All are welcome to drop in,
no experience necessary!
we begin promptly at 7pm
Chairs provided or BYO cushion
We meet every Monday, except for the following Holidays
(No Monday Meeting):
MLK Day: January 20
Presidents Day: February 17
Memorial Day: May 26
Labor Day: September 1
Columbus/Indigenous: October 13
Christmas Break: December 22 & 29